Episode 112 — Rickey Hill & Jeff Celentano: The Incredible Real-Life Story of The Hill – In Theaters Everywhere August 25th
The Hill is a movie based on the remarkable real-life story of Rickey Hill and his journey overcoming incredible amounts of adversity to achieve the impossible. As a kid, Rickey was burdened by leg braces and a degenerative spine condition that should have prevented him from ever walking. Despite those challenges, Rickey couldn’t shake the belief that he was meant to be a professional baseball player, even as he was told by doctors, coaches, and his own father that it would never happen.
In this episode, Anna sits down with Rickey Hill himself and Director Jeff Celentano to discuss the film. They share some behind-the-scenes details, expand on Rickey’s story, and share exactly what it takes to get a movie made these days.
The Hill is set for a nationwide release on August 25, 2023.
More Info on The Hill:
Website: https://www.thehillmov.com/
Twitter: @TheHillMov
Instagram: @TheHillMov
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