Episode 096 — Chris Storm: Super Baseball Weekends, a 4 Home Run Game, & Back to Back No-Nos

Chris Storm currently lives in Oklahoma but was born and raised in the Tampa area. We chat about how his love of baseball developed as a kid thanks to the long reach of WGN Cubs broadcasts and how he still has a soft spot for the team, even though he is now primarily a Rays fan.

We also chat about the unique way Chris displays his Hat of the Day on Twitter, how sports act as the glue of a community, and what it was like to hold several jobs across many minor league sports teams.

Chris also discusses past and upcoming baseball travel, what it was like to see a 4 home run game, and why the Portland Pickles top his favorite baseball experiences.

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This podcast is part of the Curved Brim Media Network:
Website: curvedbrimmedia.com

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