Episode 039 — Phil Selig: On Cuban Baseball, Life on the Island, & Having a Film in the Hall of Fame

Phil Selig prides himself on being Canada’s top expert on Cuban baseball. In 2012, he was halfway through his goal of visiting all 30 MLB parks when a friend invited him on a trip to Cuba. His time on the island quickly pivoted his baseball focus from MLB ballparks to Cuban baseball, and he has since visited many times over the last decade. Phil runs CubaDugout.com where he focuses on Cuban baseball players, teams, and ballparks. In 2017 his short film Have Malleta Will Travel: A Cuban Baseball Story was screened at the Hall of Fame Film Festival, and is archived in Cooperstown. We discuss some of his best baseball memories and what is left to check off on his baseball bucket list.
Phil Selig / Cuba Dugout Links:
Website: https://cubadugout.com/
Twitter: @CubaDugout
Facebook: @CubaDugout
Instagram: @CubaDugout
YouTube: Cuba Dugout
Fliker Photo Gallery: Phil Selig
Baseball Bucket List Links:
Twitter: @BaseballBucket
Facebook: @BaseballBucketList
Instagram: @Baseball.Bucket.List
Website: baseballbucketlist.com
Have Malleta Will Travel: A Cuban Baseball Story