Episode 033 — Jeremy Mitchell: An Epic All-Star Week, Home Run Derbies & Hand Painted Bats

Jeremy Mitchell is the founder of Mitchell Bat Company, which paints beautiful heritage inspired wooden baseball bats in Nashville, TN. We talk about what it was like to paint player bats for the likes of Yelich, Seager, Harper, and Schwarber. As well as Jeremy’s best baseball memories, and his plan to attend every single game of a World Series from start to finish one day.
Baseball Bucket List listeners can get an exclusive deal with Mitchell Bat Co. by using the following link and entering BUCKETLIST at checkout. You’ll get free shipping within the US on any bat. https://mitchellbatco.com/bucketlist
Find Jermey across the web:
Website: https://mitchellbatco.com
Twitter: @MitchellBatCo
Instagram: @mitchellbatco
Facebook: @mitchellbatco