Ryan VanDerKarr
First Name | Ryan |
Last Name | VanDerKarr |
Username | artoo840 |
Location | Dwight IL |
Other Interests | Music (I play bass guitar in a local cover band) |
Website | |
Bio | Husband. Father of three “adult” children. My day job is Realtor (for about 2 decades now). Previously an engineer (BSEE from University of Illinois at Chicago). Bass player for ‘Bad Choices’ a local cover band. Co-chair of the Central Illinois chapter of SABR (Society for American Baseball Research). Attended my first baseball game at Old Comiskey when I won a reading contest in 1st grade. First gift I ever gave my wife was a Cubs jersey. Season ticket holder for the Chicago Wolves. We’re always on the go somewhere and it usually involves a sporting event. So you could say that baseball (and sports in general) are interwoven into our lives. |
Baseball Info
Favorite Team | Normal Cornbelters |
Favorite Ballpark(s) | Modern Woodmen Park, Northwestern Medicine Field |
Best Baseball Memory | There are so many. A Cycle. The Sale-Buehrle game. The best, recent memory is that we randomly attended a Quad-City River Bandits game and bought tickets at the window when we arrived. We asked for the ‘best seats’ and the person selling the tickets said ‘then you want dugout seats’. She was right! We ended up with not only the best seat in the house, but I also got to meet former MLB player Juan Samuel who was the absolute nicest person to a random middle-aged guy who yelled out to him on the field. Really. I was so in awe and he was wonderful. |